Thursday, August 27, 2009
Trial, Tribulation and Jubilation
Life is not a destination, it is a journey.
This saying is so true to the core that should one will to retrospect his/her past, the reality of life is a journey of trying, tumultuous at times and smooth sailing at others, anguish, sadness, suffering, joy and happiness that completes a life cycle. From time immemorial life for the human species is a journey of unprecedented adventure that experienced great pain, error and achievement, and eventually advancing to this modern age of high technology.
One must not forget that human had paid an optimum price to achieve what and where we are today, but, it is not the end as this life journey will only stop when life is no more. The only consolation is that life greatest gift to mankind is the ability to adapt and adjust to different environment and terrain in the face of tremendous adversity. When fallen, one is able to stand up and continue life as per normal. This is the greatest asset which is inherent in human beings.
This is a natural survival kit that helps us through the perils of life’s journey. It is like a toddler beginning to move around by wriggling its body, crawling and finally standing up and walking wobbly from one point to another, and in between, tumble and fall, knocking its head and body, resulting in bruises, and only then, it learn to move steadily. This principle also applies to work and play and in order to reach to our desired position or level, we have to go through this inevitable ritual so that we will emerge a better and stronger person, able to face more challenges without fear.
I chose this title because it is the reality that we are experiencing every minute of our lives in everything that we do, especially so in any activities that we are engaged in. Trial, tribulation and jubilation are ingrained and are part of the activities or hobbies. We cannot segregate them neither can we remove them, on the contrary, we should embrace them with activities as one. They are part of our feeling, sensation and achievement evolving throughout our lives and never stop until life stops. And because of these elements, our aspiration to improve in all things that we do are deeply rooted in our mind, and sad to say, it was mistakenly interpreted as ego by others.
It is by chance that this topic was envisioned at this opportune time to conceptualise in our cycling and mountain climbing or other activities, and to provide a cushioning platform to those who suffered bruises and scratches at one time or another. Having chosen this title, with their incorporation, I am able to narrate one activity after another in the form of episode in order to have a continuation in this series, and hopefully to share my thoughts, feelings and opinion with the group, capitalising these three elements to justify my claim. In fact, these three elements can be well demonstrated, testified and illustrated in our recent mountain climbing at Kota Kinabalu. I leave this topic to my colleague who is able to provide a vivid description on this adventure. Even though our thinking and writing skill is different, the essay cannot be devoid of these three elements, and to add further, they are the motivational forces behind our progress, development and improvement. Otherwise life will be a state of stagnation.
I will start off with our main activity.
Falling down is easy, getting up is difficult
Cycling is a healthy sport engaged not only by the young but the old as well. It is good for the body and the mind as a whole and it develop our alertness and quick responses. It can be so much fun riding in a group, and at times, outpacing one another in a friendly atmosphere, taking into consideration the imminent risks that underlie in this fast pace activity. Notwithstanding, it comes with injuries when one is not careful. Having said that, on one hand we have to be safety conscious and, on the other, should we encounter mishap, tumble and fall, then we have to accept it as part of the activity. It is synonym to life’s journey and no matter how uncanny it seems, it is there to happen, sooner or later.
Insomuch as activity is concerned, cycling twice a week has become a norm, and obviously, after so many months, everyone has seen vast improvement in their capability to ride faster and faster. And in between, some of us have tumbled and experienced nasty fall and injuries. Nevertheless, we were always able to stand up and resume the activity. This is a key message to each and every one of us and has proven a point that on every try, we face much difficulties and at times, experienced pain in order to emerge triumphant. Improvement do not come easy, not to mention success. Just like any sportsman, what we would like to see is improvement and ultimately, success follows. We practise, we race and we outpace in order to feel this magic word – improvement. Regretfully, some others might think that we are egoistic.
There is a misused of the word “ego” as far as the cycling group is concerned. Ego is more for self-esteem and prominence which means that an individual always try to project himself important. This element of ego is absent in our group. Even though we race and outpace one another, it is to compete. Competition is fair play and is definitely not egoistic. If that is the case, then all sportsmen and women are egoistic. That is totally a wrong perception.
Instead of ego, aspiration is a better word. We have been born in this world, brought up and taught by our parents to have aspiration in order to integrate competently into this rat race society and to do things well, to improve on our life-style, to reach our goal in work places and the like. Since young, this mantra was consistently mentioned so much so that it becomes part of our conscious mind. Some of our group’s cyclist who themselves are parents, are doing the same. Thus everything that we do, whether it is work or play all of us has the aspiration to do better, irrespective of age. So it is not a surprise that we bring this concept in our cycling sessions.
At all times, the cycling group enjoys this activity with fun and thrill and at the same time to gauge one another of their riding skill and speed, so that we can make some introduction to certain strategy that can be adopted where everyone is comfortable and relax in riding as a group. As the group’s cycling matured, a new strategy called drafting was introduced which is able to improve one’s stamina and increase his speed in tune with others. This is more meaningful and thrilling and able to put more emphasis on safety in all areas.
To summarize, I would like to emphasize that in spite of some hi-cup and misunderstanding of attitude in our cycling group, the elements of trial, tribulation and jubilation are definitely evident in our activity that gave rise to aspiration. They are always present as a cataract for improvement.
I hope we could take some time to look into them, understand them so that we can enhance our life more meaningfully. Our consolation is that we are not taking up any death defying activities like F1 racing, sky gliding, boat racing etc, and by so doing, we are able to minimise our risks. If god’s willing, we live longer to enjoy a healthy and active life for many more years to come.
Contributed by Raymond Yow
Friday, August 7, 2009
Mount Kota Kinabalu

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Cycling Vis-à-Vis Health & Fitness

There are 3 paths to Good Health (I think):-
o See a Doctor
o Watch Your Diet
o Exercise
The “See a Doctor” path to Good Health is usually very expensive and unless we have so much money to throw around, this is not a good way, unless very necessary.
When a person needs to to this, it is mostly due to the fact that the person does not have the physical capabilities to follow the other 2 paths.
Watching one’s diet is another way a lot of people try and maintain good health, as over weight; over-eating and eating the wrong type of food are found to be a major cause of most illness.
However it has been emphasized over and over again that good nutritional habit together with some form of cardiovascular exercise, is necessary and would greatly reduced chances being caught death with a major illness.
So what are some of the cardiovascular exercises that may strengthen your heart and ward off major illness related to a sedentary lifestyle?
- Fast Walking
- Jogging
- Swimming
- Rollerblading
- Cycling
However cycling has certain advantages over other exercises:
- Cycling exercises the heart better than walking or running.
- Cycling (similar to swimming) is an exercise that goes without the pounding and the wearing out of the knees and leg joints.
- One can ride a bicycle almost anywhere, at any time of the year, and at low cost. You need a swimming pool or a beach to swim.
- Imagine you run 5 to 10 km. You will be so tired and unable to enjoy the scenery. You can cycle leisurely 20 to 50 km and enjoy the scenery around you and feel the breeze.
- Little or no time has to be lost, as bike can be used to get to work, perform errands, or enjoy the outdoors.
- Commuting by bike reduces pollution that causes asthma and bronchitis.
On the down side, cycling does involve some risk of injury but this has been greatly exaggerated by fear mongers. Cycling actually has similar risks to traveling by automobile.
One very interesting question is how much aerobic exercise should one get every day? Some medical authorities recommend as little as 20 minutes a day, three times a week, while others recommend four times that amount.
Why the great difference? Well, most authorities recognize the more exercise the better up to some undetermined point, but many are afraid that if they expect too much, people won't exercise at all.
Another reason for lowering the recommendation was due to the damage caused by jogging, a problem cycling does not share. The concern here is that those setting very low requirements are giving people the mistaken impression that they don't need any more exercise than their usual, basic sedentary life.
How much exercise do I recommend? I find that an hour of cycling 2 to 3 times a week keeps me feeling good.
But remember that lower amounts of exercise improve one's health and higher amounts improve one's fitness.
So it is up to you whether you just want to improve your health or improve your fitness. Fitness itself also has many level of fitness. So………
It is all UP TO YOU. Just that Cycling is the Best Exercise!
Chew GC
Friday, July 3, 2009
Changi Cycling Group has changed its name to Team EZ Riders or just EZ Riders effective 1st July 2009.
What’s in a name? Nothing.
A name does not mean anything. There is no significance in a name; just like, a rose with any other name smell just as sweet. Tiger Woods, with any other name, plays golf just as great and entertaining. A cheetah with any other name runs just as fast and will still be the fastest animal on earth.
So what is the rationale behind a name and by using any of the above names, will one be just as great and well known? No. It is one’s talent, skill and practise that makes one great. It is through enormous amount of hard work and effort, endurance and patience both mentally and physically that one can achieve greatness.
But by saying so, EZ Riders is not in the least having any thoughts of been great. To us, a name is simply a label, an identification of a group, so that we can be addressed as one, nothing more.
The riders are a mix of men and ladies with ages ranging from 30s to 60s, professionals in their respective fields, gentle by nature and well mannered. The common theme in this activity is to exercise, stay healthy and have fun and laughter. Most important of all it is to enjoy the ride and not so much of a competition.
The greatest joy amongst the group riders is when they spot a Dura-ace or Ultegra in front of them. That’s when the adrenalin begins to rise and the chase begins with every cyclist showing their prowess of going more than 40km/hr. Obviously some riders were terribly stressed. It is exciting and so much fun to be part of this group, like a pack of hounds chasing after a hare. Indescribable joy!!
There are also many joyous and fun-filled activities and adventurous rides in Singapore as well as neighbouring countries. In line with our common objective, we have map out trips to Desaru, Batam and Bintan to enhance our cycling pleasure and enjoyment. These places have great cycling routes that are not only strenuous and challenging but also give great pleasure to test one’s endurance and stamina, and most of all a very satisfying endeavour.
The name “Changi Cycling Group” was an impromptu name selected as we were new to cycling then and our usual route was at Changi coastal road. That was about 1 year ago, and as it evolved through time, gathering momentum and strength in term of increasing number of members and upgrading of bicycles, a decision was made for the change of name. With a common consensus, the group decided that a name should be selected to depict its characteristic.
EZ Riders was chosen from a given list of names. We chose it because it gives character to our common interest and intention. It radiates camaraderie within the group and safety and welfare amongst the members.
We are now in the process of printing our own cycling jerseys for the members to strengthen our identity even further. For any future events like the Runway Endurance Cycling or the OCBC event or others, we will participate as a team to be identified by our cycling jerseys with the prominent logo “EZ Riders”.
Written by Raymond Yow
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Personal Insight of the Cycling Trip At Desaru
When I think back last weekend’s cycling at Desaru, I can still see the fleeting glimpses of images rolling behind my wheels:-
- The beautiful sunrise when we board the ferry at Changi Ferry Terminal for our journey to Tanjong Berlungkor, on the eastern part of Johor, Malaysia.
- The strangers we met and talk to along the way
- The long and lonely road, rolling up and down, void of traffic
- The endless rows and rows of palm trees on both sides of the road
- The stares of the local residents when we arrived at the small town of Sungei Rengit, thinking that Singaporean got better nothing to do or they must be "gila" (mad).
- The wonderful sight of Tanjong Berlunkor Ferry Terminal on the second day, after two days of strenuous ride covering a distance of about 130 km.
It’s a wild ride, at least for me, I don’t know about the others.
I am a virgin, as far as cycling in Desaru is concern. There were seven of us, age ranging from mid 40s to early 60s. I am in-between hitting 50 this year.
We have to slog up endless slopes and plummet back down the other side along the long and winding road.
We got roasted by the unfathomable heat on the first day, until I ask myself – “What the hell am I doing?”
We got soaked and trashed by the torrential rain, on the second day that I asked myself again – “Am I mad or what?”
And yet, through it all, when on the second day I arrived at the end point, I know that I have at least pushed myself to the fullest and taken advantage to enjoy every moment that I have, despite all the hardship and the pain and make it to the end safe and sound.
Thank God for that.
Yes – it was a challenge, there were times where I wanted to stop and give up.
We battled strong headwinds and fought for every inch of forward motion we managed to make, in spite of the ache that is in our thighs and buttocks.
We kept pushing ourselves against what appeared to be an impossible slope in the extraordinary heat only to face another slope waiting for us.
I suppose this is how life is, when you think you have cleared an obstacle; overcome some life crisis, unknowingly, another is waiting for you.
I personally have achieved a few milestones even though I never aimed for it at the first place. I am just glad that I am able to complete this grueling ride that weekend.
Chew Gek Cheng
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Cycling at Desaru in Pictures - First Day 6th Jun 09
Cycling At Desaru in Pictures Second Day - 7th June 2009
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Who Says Only Children Have Toys
When they become teenagers their taste for toys would have changed to gadgets like PSP, X-Box, or Nintendo WII.
When teens become young adults (especially nowadays), have no qualms getting a pair of branded sunglasses or shoes that cost 5 or 6 hundreds bucks. And we parents just can’t understand why they need to spend so much on these things.
But are we saying adults who are parents do not indulge in toys anymore?
Sometime we hear people telling us, “I don’t understand why this friend of mine spends so much money and time on his car or motorcycle. Or it could be a Hi Fi set or a Home Theater system.
Ever heard this familiar husband's remarks, “What? This handbag costs $2K or this pair of shoes costs me $1K!
Let me introduce the latest TOY bought by a member of Changi Cycling Group.
Cenilli Estrada - Full Shimano Dura Ace gear system A cool $5.5K all in.
These are our TOYs & Cycling is what we DO
As a consolation to our spouses, at least our TOYS are bicycles (costly they may be). When we cycle, we keep fit and stay healthy.
Just be at Changi Village Hawker Center or East Coast Hawker Center they will see some Senior Citizen with "THEIR TOYS" - young and sexy, enjoying seafood dinner with a jug of beer with their toys is what they do.
When our spouse compare our TOYs with these Senior Citizen young & sexy "TOYs", hopefully they will encourage us to cycle more and maybe,(I say maybe) they will know what to get for our next birthday
Posted by Chew GC