Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Day or Night Cycling – Which Is Better?

It is common to see that over the weekends or during holidays, groups of cycling enthusiasts cycling in various parts of urban Singapore. This is despite the fact that we are one of the most urbanized country in the world with few or if I may say, no country-side roads at all for cycling.

Cycling for these enthusiasts is mainly on major roads cutting through towns; and even the city area. This is something that cyclists do in Singapore for they have no other choice.

Cyclists at times, invoke the wrath of motorists who felt that cyclists are intruding into their territories – i.e. the roads.

However it must be acknowledged that some cyclists are to be blamed, for at times groups of cyclists clustered together and occupy the whole left lane of the road. Which motorist would not get angry, especially in Singapore.

To overcome the dangers, cyclists either cycle early morning or late in the evening and normally on weekends or holidays.

Traffic in the early morning during weekends or holidays are usually light and relatively safe to cycle. The same goes for late in the evenings

But which is better, early morning or night cycling?

On May Day, we did the morning cycle and on the eve of Vesak Day, we did the night cycle.

Both have its advantages and its disadvantages.

But personally I preferred early morning, as the traffic is lighter as compared to the evening and the air is fresher.

For those of you who are urban planners (URA); road planners (LTA); or whatever planner you are, do consider cyclists when you are cracking your heads.

Happy Vesak Day.

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